1. Go to the WordPress Development Website(https://developer.wordpress.com/).

2. Login to the to the WordPress Development account if you don’t have an account create one

3. Click on My Apps tab in the menu.

4. In the My Apps pages click on the Create New Application button

5. Fill the form with
-> Name: Your Application’s Name
-> A succinct explanation of your application. For instance, this program creates a user account at this website using the basic profile information from your WordPress.com account. When a user initially clicks the WordPress login icon, this will be displayed to them.
-> URL of the website’s home page where you are integrating social login
-> URLs that redirect Save the following URL in this field, where HOMEPAGE URL is the URL of your website’s home page.
-> Redirect URI (optional) column, then enter the URI that Digits Social Login has in its Redirect URI field, it will appear once you enable the WordPress option in Digits Social Login Addon.
-> JavaScript’s ancestry Leave blank
-> Respond to the security query
-> Type: Web
Click on the Create button.

5. After that your App is created successfully. Now click on My Apps tab there click on Manage Application button.

6. This Client ID and Client Secret should be copied, and then pasted into the corresponding fields in the WordPress section of the Digits social login extension.

7. Verify that your WordPress login integration is working properly by going to the login page.

8. You’re done! WordPress login has now been successfully incorporated to the Digits Social Login page