Frequently Asked Questions

If you are using Firebase as your gateway and you get this error then the issue is because the site url you mentioned in Firebase setting does not match with the one you are using the plugin on.

So make sure that your site url matches with the one entered in Firebase console under Authentication -> Sign-in Method -> Authorized Domains and please add both www and non-www versions of your domain.

This error clearly means what it says, you need to complete your SMS gateway settings before registering the plugin with purchase code.

You can follow this document to setup Firebase Gateway(Free)

This error only comes up if you are using Firebase and you request multiple OTP’s in a short period of time. The block gets lifted automatically after sometime and is only for your device and number and does not affect any other user on your website.

If you want to test out the service and don’t want to get blocked then you can add test number(s) in firebase console.

Please follow this document for adding test numbers 

If your builder is not wokring and you are being redirected to the native wordpress edit page then you need to check Elementor settings, if our post type is checked or not.

  1. Visit
  2. Make sure Popup Builder and Page Builder are checked

If you are getting Google Captcha when requesting for OTP then its very sure that you are using “Firebase” as the SMS gateway. So as per Google’s requirement for Firebase, its not possible to remove that captcha, we have no control over it and it is totally handled from the Google Firebase’s side.

You can change the Firebase message language from here

The most common reason for this one of your caching plugin adding defer in Firebase scripts. Deferring is not allowed by firebase and deferring, so you will need to whitelist the scripts in your caching plugin.

To find if your scripts are being deferred, search for firebase in your website source code and you can see defer added there

Check if the “Anyone can register” is enabled under Settings -> General , if not please enable it.


If you have WooCommerce installed make sure “Enable customer registration on the My account page.” is checked under Woocommerce -> Settings -> Accounts, otherwise the registration option will not come on your “My Account Page”