UnitedOver Help

Get In Touch


Please select the appropriate category for a faster response.


Before submitting a ticket we highly suggest you try deactivating all third-party plugins and then see if your issue is resolved. Atleast 90% of the tickets we get have nothing to do with our plugin, so doing this will save you a lot of time

Do not send after-sales query or issue in "Other" category, as you might not get a reply from the team.

We assure you that your credentials will be kept secret and will not be used until and unless really necessary, we'll only visit the pages that are needed to fix this issue, nothing else will be touched.



This generally never happens but still we want you and your site to be on the safe side

For faster response please try to be as precise as possible, with all the details. 

NOTE: You can now self-manage your purchase code and the sites linked from our new Portal. Visit‎ ‎ https://unitedover.com/manage