Creating Msg91 account
1. Sign up for an account with MSG91 and get your API key.

2. Click on Get Started and provide the mentioned details.
Working With Msg91
1. Select MSG91 from the list of available SMS gateways.
2. Select on create new and provide the name of the Authkey.

3. Copy the Authkey
4. Select MSG91 from the list of available SMS gateways.

5. Configure the other settings such as message template, and its Template ID
6. Build Your Template Id

7. Create a Sender ID
8. Complete the required details.

Setting Msg91 with Digit
1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Digits > Settings > SMS Gateway.
2. Select Msg91 as the SMS gateway.
3. Enter your Msg91 API key.

4. Save the settings.