Email filters can be used to block or allow registrations from specific domain emails, you can also block registration from disposable or temporary emails.
Whitelisted Domains
Whitelisting any domain(s) under this setting will make registration available to users only with an email from that particular domain.
For ex: If you whitelist “” then users only having an email with (their email contains will be allowed. You can have multiple domains as whitelisted domains.
Blacklisted Domain
Blacklisting any domain(s) will disallow users from registering with an email from that particular domain.
For ex: If you blacklist “” then users with emails having will not be allowed to register on your website and all the other domain users will be able to like,, or any other except the one(s) you blocked.
Block Disposable Email Registrations
Enabling this will block registrations from all disposable email or temporary email addresses. We have curated an extensive list of domains that are being used for disposable email registrations including the ones from,, etc.