Due to the introduction of DLT templates in India many gateways have changed how their API works and just because of that we had to implement those changes so you don’t face any issues regarding message delivery.
For most SMS gateways in India every SMS you send with them should contain a Template ID. Template ID is provided by the gateway and is unique for all your message templates, be it promotional or transactional.
To make our message templates compatible with the gateway you need to define the templates in WPNotif settings in the below mentioned format.
message => Your order {{wc-order}} is shipped on {{date}} template-id => 1569851XXXXXXXXXX78
Template id is provided by the gateway once you register your SMS template with them.
NOTE: To make sure the SMS gets delivered please ensure that the position of the variable is the same across both the gateway’s template and WPNotif template.
For example,
If your template on SMS Gateway (approved by DLT) looks like
Your order {#var#} is shipped on {#var#}
then on WPNotif settings the template should look like
message => Your order {{wc-order}} is shipped on {{date}} template-id => 1569851XXXXXXXXXX78